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Oligoscan Report 

  • Functions

    • Calcium is the most abundant mineral in the body and 99% is found in the skeleton and teeth for growth, strength and maintenance.

    • It plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses, muscle contraction and in regulating the heartbeat.

    • Calcium plays a role in blood clotting.

    • It activates certain enzymes and prevents hypertension.


    Calcium is best from fruit, vegetables (cabbage, broccoli and celery), salads, cereals, seaweed, legumes, seeds (sesame, pumpkin, sunflower and flax) and sprouts because it is included in a balanced vitamin and mineral complex.

  • Functions

    • Magnesium is the second intracellular cation and is involved in intracellular mineral balance with potassium. It is present in all cells, especially in the bones.

    • Present in all our cells, it is involved in many biological functions because it is an activator of enzyme metabolism.

    • It activates the organic defence, boosts white blood cells and is involved in the enzyme catalysis of digestion and the metabolism of vitamins, such as vitamin C.

    • It is involved in energy production and the balance of neurotransmitters in the brain.

    • It operates at several levels in the immune mechanisms, inflammatory reactions and allergies.


    The main sources of magnesium are nuts, whole grains, sprouts, legumes, soybeans, cocoa, meat and vegetables.

  • Functions

    This is the most important mineral after calcium: 600 to 700 g in adults, including 80% in bone and 20% in the brain, muscles and blood, particularly in the form of phosphoprotein compounds, phospholipids, and ATP.

    Phosphorus plays three important roles:

    • Structural role: with calcium, it is the mineral structure of bone,

    • Energy role: storage and transfer of energy (ATP)

    • Role in cell permeability


    Phosphorus is found in fish and shellfish, eggs, meat, poultry, legumes, nuts and whole grains.

  • Functions

    • Silicon is required for many physiological activities. The presence of silicon necessary for the biosynthesis of certain molecules such as collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid and, therefore, influences all tissues where these substances play an important role: connective tissue in general, and more particularly cartilage, bone, skin and the immune system. We now know that the silicon actives fibroblasts, which provide the synthesis of fibrous substances essential for the proper functioning of connective tissue.

    • It is also known that silicon is involved in the formation of bones, hair, nails, cartilage and skin. Its role is more catalytic than constituent, although it enters into the composition of certain structures. This is an initiator of growth and regeneration.


    Silicon is supplied in the diet, especially whole grains (mainly in their external part and particularly in rice), many fruits and vegetables, mineral water (in very variable proportions), wine and beer. Amongst the plants, horsetail, bamboo and nettles are rich in silicon.

  • Sodium is mostly found in the blood and in the extracellular liquid which is 5 times higher than within the cells.

    It is excreted through sweat and urine (excretion controlled by aldosterone).


    • It is the main electrolyte of extracellular liquid: maintains osmotic pressure of extracellular liquid and water balance.

    • It is the carrier of electrical charge through the cell membrane: involved in the transmission of nerve impulses and muscle contraction.


    Sodium occurs naturally in food as well as in seasoning during food preparation.

  • Functions

    • It is the main intracellular electrolyte liquid: it regulates the water content of the cell.

    • It plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses and cardiac contractility.


    The main sources of potassium are dried fruits, oleaginous plants, fresh vegetables, legumes, sprouts, mushrooms, fish, whole grains, bananas and apples.

  • Functions

    • Copper is present in the body in small amounts (75 to 150 mg of copper).

    • Its action cannot be separated from other minerals, especially zinc, manganese, iron and magnesium.

    • Copper is a component of several enzymes necessary for the redox process.

    • It is involved in protein synthesis and haemoglobin.

    • It stimulates the reticuloendothelial system, which explains its anti-infective action.

    • It is involved in the cellular respiratory chain.


    Copper is found in liver, seafood, whole grains and vegetables.

  • Functions

    • Zinc is the cofactor of more than 200 enzymatic reactions. It operates on the redox reaction, respiration, cell division and in many metabolism processes: carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids.

    • Zinc is essential in several cell-duplication processes:

    • Fertility: participates in the formation of sperm

    • Growth: in the synthesis of growth hormone

    • Immunity: essential for the proper functioning of the immune system (thymus)

    • Healing: role in the renewal of the skin, hair and nails


    Oysters are the food richest in zinc. It is also found in meat, fish, seafood, vegetables and legumes, whole grains, nuts, wheat germ, egg yolk.

  • Functions

    • Iron is involved in respiratory function: it is a component of the hemoglobin in red blood cells where it plays a major role in the binding and transport of oxygen from the lungs to the organs.

    • It participates in the formation of myoglobin (respiratory pigment of muscle storage form of muscle oxygen).

    • It is involved in the creation of many of the respiratory chain enzymes that play a role in electron transfer.


    It is especially found iron in blood sausage, liver, red meat, white meat, organ meats, seafood, fish, egg yolk, dried fruits and legumes (lentils).

  • Functions

    • Trace element mainly present in the bones, liver, pancreas, kidneys and adrenal glands, it helps fight against free radicals and in the synthesis of connective tissue, bones, joints and cholesterol in the regulation of glucose and lipid metabolism.

    • It is also an anti-allergic.


    Oleaginous fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, beetroot, ginger, alfalfa, tea and organic whole grains.

  • The amount of chromium in the body decreases with age. The consumption of sugar and refined flour tends to accelerate the disappearance.

    Refinied foods and intensive farming reduces the presence of chromium in food.


    • Associated with vitamin B3 and two amino acids, chromium is an organic complex known as GTF (glucose tolerance factor). This factor has a role in regulating the pancreatic hormones responsible for controlling blood glucose.

    • This GTF complex also affects lipid metabolism and reduces cholesterol.


    The best source of chromium is brewer's yeast. Organic wholegrain cereals, seafood, oysters, liver, chicken, beef, potatoes, apples, bananas, spinach, butter and thyme.

  • Functions

    • It is involved in cellular redox processes (thyroid, gonads, kidney and liver).

    • It regulates lipids: it acts as a protector of polyunsaturated fatty acids.

    • It improves the effectiveness of insulin and regulates lipids (it acts as protector of polyunsaturated fatty acids) and therefore presents itself as a hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic anti-diabetic.


    Unsaturated vegetable oil, black pepper, whole grain cereals (buckwheat, oats, rice), meat, dairy products, shellfish, crustaceans, eggs, carrots, cabbage, radish. The vanadium content of fruits and vegetables is directly proportional to the vanadium content of the soil cultivation thereof.

  • Functions

    • It helps to maintain the calcium balance in the body to keep bones healthy and prevent osteoporosis and bone demineralisation. It also acts in hypertension, atherosclerosis and osteoarthritis.

    • Several studies indicate that boron can raise estrogen levels in postmenopausal women, like an estrogen replacement therapy.


    The following foods are excellent sources of boron: apple, pear, grapes, dates, raisins and fishing, especially legumes and soy beans, almonds, peanuts and hazelnuts and honey.

  • Functions

    • It controls the synthesis of vitamin B12 by the intestinal flora; thus, the production of red blood cells.

    • It is involved in the regulation of the autonomic nervous system (ortho and parasympathetic), which explains its effect on digestion and vasodilatory action on the peripheral circulation.


    Chicken, cheese, seafood, legumes and whole-grain cereals, egg yolk, fish, liver, cabbage and root vegetables.

  • Functions

    • It is involved in protein metabolism (nitrogen fixation) and cell division.

    • It participates in the establishment of minerals (prevention of dental caries).


    Whole grains, legumes, vegetables and liver.

  • Functions

    Iodine is particularly concentrated in the thyroid gland and is involved in the formation of thyroid hormones T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine)



    Edible algae come first, then seafood and many fish, iodized salt and eggs.
    Iodine in the food industry:

    It is derived from seaweed and used as texturing agents. Iodine is found heavily in the food products industry. This is the case of agars (E406), alignates (E401 and 402), carrageenan (E407) used for making desserts, dairy desserts and creams, as well as meats

    Erythosine (E127), a dye used in fortified cereals, fruit in syrup or candied, creams and pastries.

    Intensive agriculture also uses iodinated derivatives extensively as a disinfectant and mineral food for cattle and chickens. The animal by-products, such as dairy products and eggs, have increasingly significant iodine concentrations.

  • Functions

    Lithium stabilizes the mind and the emotions. It is used to treat psychiatric disorders such as manic depression, and mood and behavior problems.



    Drinking water, seaweed and red beet.

  • Functions

    Some studies have shown that organic germanium components have an effect on the immune system and inhibit tumor growth.


    Rhubarb, celery, broccoli, garlic, onion, tomato juice, sauerkraut and shitake mushroom.

  • Functions

    Selenium has antioxidant properties and may help protect cells from damage. .

    Glutathione peroxidase, a key enzyme of intracellular defenses, protects cell membrane and the nucleus against oxidation due to attack by free radicals. Selenium is the coenzyme of glutathione peroxidase.

    It is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from harmful free radicals, but also the toxic effects of heavy metals (arsenic, mercury, cadmium and lead), alcohol, tobacco smoke and various atmospheric pollutions.

    It provides cancer protection due to its antioxidant and immunostimulant activity.

    Indeed, combined with vitamin E, selenium induces the formation of antibodies and prevents oxidative damage to chromosomes. Thus, together with vitamin E, it boosts immunity by enhancing the activation and proliferation of B lymphocytes and by strengthening the functioning of T cells.

    It protects against cardiovascular disease by controlling the optimum amount of red blood cells, standardising platelet aggregation and accelerating fat metabolism. It is also a regulatory agent in blood pressure and heart rate.


    Vegetable proteins, i.e. whole grains (brown rice contains 15 times more selenium than white rice!) contain seleno-methionine. Its quantity depends on the seed-coat quality. Amongst the cereals are wheat, oats and muesli, which provide large amounts of selenium. Red peppers, garlic and onion, and some mushrooms (porcini and lepiotas) contain the most selenium followed by raisins, peas, lentils and celery. Pulses have an average of six times more selenium than green vegetables after cooking. Meats the most rich in selenium are liver, veal, kidney and rabbit. Some fish, such as sole, albacore tuna and salmon, contain relatively large doses. They are also found in seafood, shellfish and crustaceans, such as mussels, clams and prawns. A significant amount is found in egg yolks, yeast and oils; amongst them, olive oil is the richest. Fruits and vegetables are almost completely devoid of selenium.

  • Functions

    • Sulphur is involved in the composition of different amino acids.

    • It is involved in many metabolic functions particularly in connective tissue and is often recommended in arthritis or osteoarthritis.

    • It has antiallergic properties (like manganese) and can be very useful in skin diseases, eczema and dermatitis.


    Eggs, milk, horseradish, onions, garlic, red pepper, yeast, soy, legumes and organic whole grains.

  • Functions

    • When used correctly, fluorine products can prevent the development of caries. On the other hand, an excessive intake can cause diseases, among them: Dental fluorosis, Bone fluorosis. If consumed in large amounts, fluoride can cause cavities, as well as osteoporosis. It can also damage the kidneys, muscles and nerves.


    Small amounts of fluoride ions are present in natural water sources, including rivers, lakes, and oceans. In many countries, fluoride is added to public water supplies to reduce the incidence of tooth decay.

    Tea leaves can accumulate fluoride from the soil.

    Some seafood, such as fish and shellfish, can contain fluoride due to their habitat.

    Fluoride contained dental products,

  • Function

    • promotes growth

    • improves vision (antixerophtalmic)

    • Immune function

    Food sources

    Butter, eggs, milk, cheeses, offal, carrots, dark green leafy vegetables, cruciferous vegetables, peas

  • Function

    • Metabolism of lipids and amino-acids

    • Promotes the immune system and recycles homocysteine (toxic substance which stores up in the arteries and the brain)

    • Synthesis of vitamin B3 and taurine

    • Retains magnesium

    Food sources

    liver, yeast, wheat germ, lentils, cauliflower, bananas, meat and fish.

  • Function

    • Synthesis of purine, pyrimidine and amino-acids

    • Methylation of DNA, RNA and proteins

    • Recycles homocysteine (toxic substance which stores up in the arteries and the brain)

    Food sources

    Green vegetables, seeds such as corn and chick peas, liver…

  • Function

    • Metabolism of nucleic acids

    • Methionine synthesis

    • DNA synthesis

    • Anti-anemic (important function for hematopoiesis)

    Food sources

    offal, beef, lamb, shellfish, oily fish, eggs, cheese.

  • Function

    • Collagen synthesis

    • Noradrenaline production

    • Production of red blood cells

    • Antiscorbutic function

    • Stimulation of natural immune defenses

    • Antioxidant

    • Lead chelation

    Food sources

    In fruit and vegetables, especially: kiwis, citrus fruits, cruciferous vegetables, bell peppers, strawberries, blackcurrants.

  • Function

    • Anti-rickets

    • Promotes the absorption of calcium und phosphor

    • Immune system (autoimmune diseases and cancer)

    • Anti-inflammatory function

    Food sources

    Oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, canned sardines, cod liver and exposure to sunlight 15 to 20 minutes a day around midday (shirtless, the face should be protected), enough for the skin to become lightly pink.

  • Function

    • Antioxidant, especially for vitamin A

    • Anti-inflammatory

    • Fertility

    Food sources

    Virgin olive or rapeseed oil, almonds, hazelnuts, peanuts, spinach, avocados.

  • Sources

    • Tap water because sewage treatment plants that produce drinking water use aluminum sulfate to eliminate microorganisms and organic matter from water.

    • Kitchen utensils like pots or some certain packagings 

    • Cosmetics such as some deodorants contain aluminum chloride.

    • Most vaccines contain aluminum hydroxide which is used as an adjuvant to better enhance the immune response of patients.

    • Some medications, many antacids contain aluminum hydroxide, sometimes in high doses as Maalox ® (200 mg).

    Signs of excess aluminum:

    • Aluminum is toxic for the brain and can cause memory loss and Alzheimer's disease. 

    • It can interfere with the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. This prevents the growth of bones (rickets) and reduced bone density (osteoporosis).

    • Toxicity may also lead to muscle aches, anemia, digestive disorders, impaired liver function, colic and renal failure.

    • Inflammatory muscle disease 

    • Disruptive action on the immune system-autoimmune diseases.

  • Sources

    The major route of contamination is the presence of antimony in bottled mineral water stored in plastic containers like polyethylene terephthalate (PET) as antimony is used as a polymerization catalyst for PET. The concentration of antimony is proportional to the time that the water remained in the plastic container.


    Signs of excess antimony:

    • Chronic poisoning by antimony is characterized by:

    • Irritation of the upper airways (rhinitis, laryngitis, tracheitis).

    • Cardiovascular problems (hypertension, arrhythmias ...).

    • Digestive disorders (gastroenteritis).

    • Nervous disorders (headache, psychological harm ...).

    • Disruptive action on the immune system-autoimmune diseases.

  • Sources

    • Amongst professionals such as photographers and jewelers who are required to handle silver.

    • Through contact: prolonged absorption of silver salts through the skin or mucous membranes. Silver salts make up the composition of some medicines (suppositories, nasal drops, eye drops, skin disinfectant, silver nitrate, gastric dressings etc.).


    Signs of silver excess:

    • bluish or blackish pigmentation of the skin (argyria)

    • dyspnea,

    • palpitations

    • edema.

    • Disruptive effect on the immune system-autoimmune diseases

  • Sources

    Arsenic is a trace element widely distributed in the biosphere. In some areas, arsenic levels in soil and water are very high, either naturally or by human activities. Indeed, arsenic is used as an insecticide in agriculture. It is found mainly in cereals (rice or wheat), vegetables and seafood.

    On a smaller scale, arsenic is used in industries such as glass and pigment, in electronic devices and for alloys.

    Signs of excess arsenic:

    • Weakness, drowsiness,

    • Headaches, seizures,

    • Muscle pain,

    • Peripheral neuropathy.

  • People with a greater risk of exposure to barium are those working in the barium industry:

    • Manufacturing alloys for nickel-barium parts intended for ignition devices for automobiles and in the manufacture of glass, ceramics

    • Manufacturing lubricants, pesticides, corrosion inhibitors, drilling fluids, water softeners and the sugar industry and in paper

    • Vulcanisation of synthetic rubber, refining animal and vegetable oils and painting frescoes

    • Manufacturing artificial marble, optical glasses and electrodes

    • Manufacturing pigments, varnishes and coloured glass

    • Manufacturing dyes and finishes for the textile industry and in the refining of aluminum

    Signs of excess barium:

    • Prolonged stimulating action on all muscles, which mostly increase in contractility:

    • Heart, irregular contractions, extrasystoles, angina

    • Gastrointestinal tract: abdominal cramps

    • Disruptive effect on the immune system- autoimmune diseases

  • Sources :

    Beryllium is present in many industries (metallurgy, aerospace, jewelry, dental, optical, electronic waste recycling ...). The sectors most at risk are the following:

    • Metalworking industry: it is present in some alloys

    • Manufacure of electronic components: it is found in CFLs (energy saving bulbs)

    Signs of excess beryllium:

    Chronic poisoning by beryllium is characterized by:

    Beryllium is irritating, allergenic and carcinogen (gastrointestinal cancer)

    Poisoning by beryllium causes chronic beryllium disease, respiratory disease recognized as an occupational disease and characterised by:

    Progressive respiratory failure

    Weight loss, fatigue

    Disruptive action on the immune system: primary cause of autoimmune diseases

  • Sources

    Bismuth is used in cast iron welding manufacture and in fusible alloys such as in bird pellets and fishing sinkers with a low toxicity. Some bismuth compounds are also manufactured and used in the pharmaceutical industry:

    • Rectovasol anti-hemorrhoid drug

    • Some anti-ulcer drugs anti Helicobacter pylori

    Signs of excess bismuth:


    Memory loss



  • Sources

    For smokers, the major source of cadmium exposure is cigarette smoke.

    For non-smokers, the major source of cadmium intake is food. This is due to the fact that cadmium is present in trace amounts in food products: cadmium that is present in the soil is easily absorbed by the vegetables. It's also found in exhaust fumes from automobiles.

    Signs of excess Cadmium:

    • Chronic poisoning by cadmium is characterized by:

    • Pulmonary emphysema without a history of chronic bronchitis,

    • Renal failure,

    • An increased risk of bone fractures

    • Disruptive action on the immune system-autoimmune diseases.

  • Sources of mercury contamination:

    • Fish and shellfish,

    • Plastics,

    • Printing ink, some paints,

    • Pesticides organo-mercurial,

    • Neon lights, energy saving light bulbs.

    • Dental amalgam restoration

    Signs of excess mercury:

    • Muscle tremors, paralysis, convulsions,

    • Salivation, stomatitis, periodontitis,

    • Hyperactivity and attention disorders in children,

    • Autism,

    • Fatigue.

    Disruptive action on the immune system: primary cause of autoimmune diseases.

  • Sources

    • Through inhalation: amongst workers in the metalworking industry or in large cities and industrial areas.

    • Through ingestion: dental amalgams.

    • Through contact: use of jewelry, handling coins containing nickel.

    • Through nickel-containing prostheses: orthopedic implants, dental bridges, prosthetic heart valves, cardiac pacemaker son.

    Signs of excess nickel:

    Nickel is allergenic: we are aware of the dermatitis that is caused by the contact with nickel-based jewelery but it seems it can also favor asthma.

    Nickel is a carcinogen: chronic intoxication promotes the development of types of respiratory cancer (carcinomas of the nasal cavities and lungs) and leukemia. Disturbing effect on the immune system: primary cause of autoimmune diseases.

  • Sources

    Platinum is part of the composition of chemotherapy drugs (cisplatin) used in the treatment of certain cancers. Platinum is used in jewelry, for the manufacture of thermocouples and electrical resistance of electrodes, and dental alloys as catalysts (oil refining, catalytic), some photographic processes, etc.


    Signs of excess platinum:

    • Skin irritation

    • Respiratory tract irritation

    • Hearing problems

    • Disruptive effect on the immune system-autoimmune diseases

  • If adults and older children are first exposed to lead due to its presence in food and drinks, the ingestion of home dust and of dirt are the main sources for the children of a younger age, who play a lot on the floor or in the garden.

    Lead is a metal widely used:

    In the lead car batteries

    In the form of lead sheets used in the construction sector

    In PVC plastic

    In ammunition

    In the crystal and ceramics

    In fishing sinkers

    In old water pipes

    In some hair dyes


    Signs of excess lead:

    Saturnism refers to all the indications of lead intoxication.

    • Effects on the nervous system:

    • Behavioral problems: hyperactivity, attention deficit disorder

    • Mental weakness

    • Effects on bone marrow and blood: Lead blocks several enzymes needed for hemoglobin synthesis. These blood effects lead to a drop in the number of red blood cells and anemia.

    • Gastrointestinal: constipation or diarrhea, metallic taste in the mouth, abdominal pain or cramping.

    • Disruptive action on the immune system-autoimmune diseases.

  • Sources

    Thallium compounds are used in infrared spectrometers, crystals and other optical systems, photocells, lamps and electronic components. It is also found combined with mercury in glass thermometers and some switches. It has also been used in research on semiconductors and myocardial imaging (thallium). It is still sometimes used for the destruction of rodents (rats and mice).


    Signs of excess thallium:

    Fatigue, lack of appetite



    Joint pain

    Hair loss

    Disturbance of sight

    Disruptive effect on the immune system-autoimmune diseases

  • Sources

    There are areas where thorium contaminates food, water and air as each year thousands of weapons (using uranium and thorium) are tested in military zones in the world (e.g., Bourges in France). People who may be in contact with thorium are those working in:


    Industries: ceramic, electrodes for arc welding, nuclear fuels

    Signs of excess thorium:

    Thorium intoxication has no specific clinical signs, but must be treated as thorium has the ability to alter genetic material and seems to favour particularly lung, pancreas, liver and bone cancer.

  • Sources

    Gadolinium, a rare earth, was named after gadolinite, itself named after homage to the Finnish chemist Gadolin. However, this rock contains only traces of the element


    Signs of excess thallium:

    "Gadolinium deposition disease" which typically associates: persistent headaches , bone and joint pain, and thickening of the soft tissue under the skin.

  • Tin is one of the metals that humans have used since ancient times, and the history of bronze, an alloy with copper, dates back to 5000 BC. It is still used for many purposes today, and we often see it in our daily lives, such as plating, soldering, and canning.


    Route of entry

    Canned foods, seafood, products containing organotins



    Inorganic tin is widely used in canned goods and other products that we see on a daily basis, and we know that it has relatively low toxicity to living organisms. Inorganic tin poisoning may occur when the plating of canned food (unpainted tin cans) is corroded for some reason and a large amount of tin is eluted into the food.


    Organotins are used as biocides and catalysts and are considered to be much more toxic than inorganic tins. The toxicity of organotins is still largely unknown, but organotin compounds are already regulated in various countries. Organotin compounds can cause central nervous system damage, cerebral edema, limb weakness and generalized tremors.

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