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In Frisco, TX, Embrace a Team Approach with Natural Focus Dental: Your Supportive Partner to Enhancing the Early Breastfeeding Experience.

Gently Nurturing Feeding Journeys: Enhance Breastfeeding Wellness with Us

Infant Tongue Tie & Lip Tie

Enhancing Your Early Breastfeeding Experience, One Baby at a Time!

Infant Tongue Tie & Lip Tie

When it comes to addressing infant tongue tie and lip tie concerns, the compassionate and knowledgeable dental team at Natural Focus Dental is here to provide gentle and effective support for you and your baby.

In the past, tongue tie and lip tie issues in infants were not always fully understood. Today, our holistic approach prioritizes your baby's health and well-being. Our minimally invasive treatments provide relief for feeding challenges and oral restriction, promoting a happier and healthier future for your baby.

Choose our holistic team approach care, ensuring a nurturing and comprehensive solution for your baby's well-being.

Have you wondered if your baby is experiencing tongue tie or lip tie?

Recognizing and understanding tongue tie and lip tie can be a bit more intricate than it initially seems. Evaluation and treatment of these conditions can be complex and sometimes controversial in the fields of Medicine and Dentistry.

A tongue tie is characterized by a thin membrane beneath the baby's tongue, known as the lingual frenulum. In some cases, this membrane can restrict the tongue's movement, affecting its ability to move freely.

Conversely, a lip tie involves the formation of a membrane that attaches to the upper lip and upper gums. Babies with lip ties may encounter challenges with breastfeeding as they struggle to form a proper seal on the breast. This may result in the intake of excess air, leading to fussiness and gassiness. We are here to assist you in understanding and addressing these concerns for your baby's well-being.

What are the signs and symptoms of tongue tie?

Identifying tongue tie in your infant may not always be straightforward, and the signs and symptoms can vary. Here's what to watch for:

  • Tongues that appear notched or heart-shaped when stuck out

  • Nipple pain and damage after feeding

  • Coming on and off of the breast and not properly latching

  • Prolonged breastfeeding

  • Air leaking on the sides of the mouth

  • Decreased breast milk production

  • Noisy clicking during feeding

  • Coughing or gagging

  • Gastric reflux symptoms

While some babies with tongue ties can latch and breastfeed without difficulty, others may experience challenges. These signs and symptoms can help you identify if your infant might be facing tongue tie, lip tie, or cheek ties.

How is tongue tie and lip tie addressed at Natural Focus Dental with a CO2 laser to reduce bleeding and enhance healing?

At Natural Focus Dental, our approach to tongue tie and lip tie treatment incorporates the use of a CO2 laser. This advanced technology is employed to perform frenectomies with precision, reducing the risk of bleeding and enhancing the healing process.

Our comprehensive evaluation not only considers the anatomy but also the functionality of the tongue, ensuring that the baby's neurological abilities related to sucking and reflexes are taken into account. This approach helps us determine if a frenectomy is beneficial, as it ensures the baby's ability to latch and suck effectively.

In cases where the sucking reflex is underdeveloped, we collaborate with "bodyworkers," including chiropractors, osteopathic physicians, and cranio-sacral therapists in the pre-treatment phase. This collaboration aids in developing the necessary reflexes for successful breastfeeding.

Following a frenectomy, we continue working with bodyworkers to support the restoration of the tongue's mobility and function, allowing the baby to reach their full potential for optimal health. This multi-disciplinary approach involves consultation with lactation specialists, chiropractors, and osteopathic physicians, ensuring not only improved breastfeeding but also enhanced overall health.

Is Vitamin K required prior to the release appointment?

For infants under six months of age, a vitamin K injection or oral supplement is a requirement prior to the revision appointment. This precaution is in place to ensure the safety and well-being of your baby during the procedure.

"Transforming Your Dental Journey with a Holistic Approach"

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